Direct Attack: Final Minutes
Maybe your team just uses the direct style of play occasionally (e.g when losing in the last minutes of a game), but it is more than likely that your team will face teams that use it during most of the minutes. To practice it in the same proportion as it is played in your competition is both correct and necessary.
Four squares unlimited touches
A tactical drill in which the players have to pass the ball to each other trying to gain offensive timing in order to attract the rival and then play the ball to mid-distance players or to the ones who are far away from the ball.
3v3 Positioned to find in depth passes
A partial structure to practice the defensive shape when facing a through ball. The attacking team will practice when the right moment is to make a run losing the markers.
Four squares possession
To achieve an appropriate players’ distribution in the free spaces, to switch the game successfully, to choose either checking to the ball or checking away… this drill will make you players think and take decisions.
Single Touch Finishing
One of the most important things when making a run to lose the defender and finishing is the right moment for making the run. With a simple rule, you will make your offensive players identify that moment in a drill which recreates a real situation.
Offensive and Defensive Transition 3 Teams with orientation
A tactical drill of polarized transitions in order to make your players identify the risks depending on the zone they are playing. At the same time, we will train the ball retention trying to do it in the most high part of the field possible.
Marking and Vigilances Vs Losing the Marker and Finishing
In this drill you have to set up a rule that will make your offensive players improve the runs for losing the defenders and will make the defensive players improve the vigilances and the individual marking.
In depth passes: creating and defending it
To coordinate the check away moment with the through ball pass is one of the most difficult offensive aspects to achieve. In this drill, your players will be able to practice it a lot of times in a reduced space.
Offensive Stretching and Mixed Marking
To bring the ball from one side to other and then cross it, it is an offensive tactical objective. In this drill, with the double of box as the dimensions, we will make our team practice a lot of crossings which will allow them to improve both defense and attack.
Small sided game – Third man
Tactical drill oriented to use, when attacking, by the third man and useful to practice the way of defending it.