
The following drills have been developed by UEFA pro coaches. Coaches who have studied the latest training methodologies in football at the highest level competitions (La Liga, Premier League, Bundesliga, Serie A…).

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Found 123 Results

Conditioned Game: Pressure in middle block

We will use an easy condition that will make our players close the interior spaces in a better way, to not allow the passing lines and to do not let the defenders get right in shape to defend deep balls.

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Conditioned Game: Switching and Stretching

If a team, while progressing on the field, opts for switching the play, for playing wide, for alternating passes to the interior and the exterior and it is positionally balanced, will be successful when attacking. This drill is a conditioned game that will orientate your players.

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Conditioned Game in reduced space: Generate Finishing Options

The tactical finishing is the coordination of the last technical (Pass, dribble, feint) and tactical (check in and away, offensive timing etc) actions. The only useful way for practicing them is in a real situation and, in this case, adding a provocation rule which will improve the decision-making of your team when finishing.

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Double Box: Counterattack and pressure after losing possession

Either to advance in the game after winning the ball back or to avoid it are the objectives of a lot of styles of play. We will practice it in this intense drill in which we will make our players improve the transitions. The dimensions will be the double of the box.

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Transition with 3 goals

The defensive transition begins with the previous movements before we lose the ball. In this tactical transition drill, we will practice it together with the pressing after losing possession. The team that attacks practices the ball retention as the main tactical offensive objetive.

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4 Lanes: Ball Circulation Vs Shifting

To be good at shifting, coverages and closing spaces are the basics for a good defensive tactic. For being successful when attacking we will need to be good at a different variety of offensive tactic concepts.

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Switching the play and changing the pace

The inside-outside alternation in the game is key. With this tactical drill we will first play the ball inside by passing the ball into the middle to then pass the ball outside, attracting the defenders and switch the play finding the free space in the other side.

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