Offensive and Defensive Transition 3 Teams
To practice both the momentum when losing the ball and when winning it back is key. It makes us be better on the offensive and defensive transition. We will use this drill as a tactical situation to activate the defenders’ press after losing the ball and for the team that has just win the ball back to play quick and easy.
Interior play Positional Attack (FCB)
If you fill up the spaces in a rational way when attacking, then, you will be able to be more prepared to start the pressing when you lose the ball. This is a typical Guardiola drill, who likes the pressing after losing the ball and the positional organized attack.
Single Touch Finishing
One of the most important things when making a run to lose the defender and finishing is the right moment for making the run. With a simple rule, you will make your offensive players identify that moment in a drill which recreates a real situation.
Double Box: Fast Transitions
To be fast but not rushing! This is a provocation rule which will improve the decision making in order to adapt the pace and the game speed.
Zonal Defense Vs Overcoming Lines
The objective is to move from the creation zone to the finishing zone. To avoid that the rivals could send the ball to your defenders back.
Third man and free man rondo
We adapt a rondo in order to practice the use of the third man and the free man as a microstructure to advance in the game.
Field with 3 zones: ball circulation + stretching and stepping out of losing zone
Tactical decisions so the team in possession of the ball achieves width when attacking and become more compact defensively fixing distances for coverages and defensive support.
Multi-Offensive Work
A very complete tactical drill both at an offensive and defensive level. The players have to make a lot of decisions in a very limited time.
Defensive support and Shifting
To attack a team that has already came back in shape and uses the counterattack as their way of attacking. High level of learning in vigilances and in offensive and defensive transitions.
Support on the corners
A partial structure in which the player faces the ball when receiving is one of the best options to advance safely in the game representing a danger to the rivals.