Zonal Defense: Move forward or backwards
In every movement of the ball we do, the defensive situation changes. Did the ball go forward or backwards? Is the player on the ball pressed? Does he have options to pass the ball to a free player? These are some of the several decisions that we have to practice.
Attract to switch the play
The creation of spaces is key in the offensive tactic. In this case, we will make the team to come and press us doing short passes in order to play to the deliberated side afterwards. This drill will make the players to give close, intermediate and far supports.
Positional Play – Speed of Play
Another offensive tactical drill to improve the position game (Guardiola, Sarri…). To play the ball facing the player who is about to receive it will allow the receiver to think before getting the ball and to speed the play up.
Conditioned Game: Gives and Goes and changing pace
To play at a different pace depending on the zone of the field where we are at that moment, is a good way for making right decisions and read the game in a right way.
Defensive positioning
To defend in a coordinate way is key for the defensive success. With only a few simple references you will achieve right habits in your players such as defensive balance, a right distance between lines or the coordination to move forward or backwards.
4 Lanes: Create Superiority 6v6
In a simple structure applicable to any style of play with a line of 4 in defense + 2 midfielders. You will find a lot of key tactical concepts in this drill: Shiftings, coverages, closing interior passes… and, in order to attack, a wide variety of offensive tactical concepts will be needed.
Conditioned Game: Pressure in middle block
We will use an easy condition that will make our players close the interior spaces in a better way, to not allow the passing lines and to do not let the defenders get right in shape to defend deep balls.
Give and Go, Coverages, 1v1 on distance
A partial structure which will require a lot of defensive and offensive tactical concepts, such as support, one-two’s, coverages, defensive exchange, press, body shape, defensive orientation, defensive and offensive timing etc.
Shifting, Pressing on the flanks
We will practice ball conservation, width, game pace, change of pace, shifting, pressing, coverages and defensive coordination, all at the same time.
Rondo with an intense pressure (Liverpool FC)
Do you know Liverpool’s Henderson Rondo? It is an interesting conditioning in order to reach a maximum pressure from the first pass.