Conditioned Game: Pressure in middle block
We will use an easy condition that will make our players close the interior spaces in a better way, to not allow the passing lines and to do not let the defenders get right in shape to defend deep balls.
Conditioned Game: 8 Zones, Speed of Play and Change of Pace
The best way for advancing in the game is to not to repeat too many passes in the same zone. Just by setting up one rule and different zones we will be able to create the scenario where the players will discover, by themselves, the perfect offensive timing.
Multi-Defensive Concept + 1v1 & Duels
The balance movements before losing the ball are key in order to achieve a good defensive transition. To choose the moment for a challenge when attacking is also a key decision in order to provoke a dangerous situation for the rival.
4 Goals: Vigilances + Transition
To do defensive vigilances, it is going to make your team achieve a higher level of tactical intelligence. In this drill we will work on the defensive and offensive vigilances, the defensive and offensive transition and the pressing after losing possession
Positional Play – Third Man
It is a classical position drill which is used by different elite coaches like Klopp, Guardiola or Sarri. Quick decision making and little movements to create free passing lines at a higher speed than the real game. This will help your players to make the right decisions during the game.
Extreme Transitions 3v3
To practice transitions in superiority will make your players look for safe finishing situations thoughtlessly and will make them think about the defensive transition. This is a drill that you as a coach will like a lot, a very useful drill.
Speed of Play and Mobility of the players without the ball
In order to help the attack, the free players have to make decisions too in order to situate in the best position. This drill will demand a high concentration level from your players.
Winning the ball back and play with the players on the rival´s side.
Once the ball is won back, the first option that all the coaches like is to try to move up the field and to try to benefit from the possibility of a defensive imbalance. Let’s practice it.
Give and Go, Coverages, 1v1 on distance
A partial structure which will require a lot of defensive and offensive tactical concepts, such as support, one-two’s, coverages, defensive exchange, press, body shape, defensive orientation, defensive and offensive timing etc.
Offensive and Defensive Transition 3 Teams
To practice both the momentum when losing the ball and when winning it back is key. It makes us be better on the offensive and defensive transition. We will use this drill as a tactical situation to activate the defenders’ press after losing the ball and for the team that has just win the ball back to play quick and easy.