Avoid in depth passes + Transitions
To press the player on the ball is a key aspect for having defensive success. If, we add the defensive vigilances, this drill will give your players a lot of defensive tactical concepts. A polarized tactical drill with plenty of offensive and defensive transitions.
Speed of Play and Mobility of the players without the ball
In order to help the attack, the free players have to make decisions too in order to situate in the best position. This drill will demand a high concentration level from your players.
Defensive positioning
To defend in a coordinate way is key for the defensive success. With only a few simple references you will achieve right habits in your players such as defensive balance, a right distance between lines or the coordination to move forward or backwards.
Rondo Offensive Delay 4v1
Since regularly, all the rondos are played in a high pace, is it possible to practice a tactical rondo in which you work both the change of pace and the high and low pace? It is definitely possible if we include a small modification in the structure so our players can make decisions about the pace of the game.
4 goals on the inside
To know when is the right moment to play the ball into the middle is something key for our players. To make them understand it, we will practice the ball circulation, the game speed and the change of pace. We will practice also how to get back in shape when we defend and be wide when we attack. Those are two basic aspect of the offensive and defensive transitions.
Multi-Offensive Work
A very complete tactical drill both at an offensive and defensive level. The players have to make a lot of decisions in a very limited time.
Rondo with it sides divided in half
A safe support to the player in possession of the ball together with a good passing line option is a fundamental part to achieve a good combinative attacking game.
Conditioned Game: Min. 87 1-0
The ideal player is the one who manages either the offensive and defensive tactical situations. The direct attack looking for the second ball Is one of the parts of the game that the coaches need to know how to manage despite it might not be his most preferred part. As coaches, our objective has to be fo our players to learn as much as possible, not just only about what we like.
Speed of play + getting the ball away of recovery zone
At the beginning of the offensive transitions, just after getting the ball back, we should play quick and simple in order to bring the ball to the empty spaces. In this drill we will be faced to different situations similar to game situations.
Pass to attract
In this drill, the players will identify the advantages of short passing when there is no opposition in order to attract the rivals and make them leave spaces behind them that will let us advance in the game. Good drill in order to improve decision making against teams that drop back and regroup intensively.