
The following drills have been developed by UEFA pro coaches. Coaches who have studied the latest training methodologies in football at the highest level competitions (La Liga, Premier League, Bundesliga, Serie A…).

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Found 123 Results

Conditioned Game: Min. 87 1-0

The ideal player is the one who manages either the offensive and defensive tactical situations. The direct attack looking for the second ball Is one of the parts of the game that the coaches need to know how to manage despite it might not be his most preferred part. As coaches, our objective has to be fo our players to learn as much as possible, not just only about what we like.

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Change to a high pace of game with CM

To associate the beginning of the change of pace with the reception of the ball by one of your midfielders in an advantageous situation, will make you achieve a higher tactical finishing level. You will also generate situations in which you will be able to get the ball to a free man and a third man.

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Transition with 3 goals

The defensive transition begins with the previous movements before we lose the ball. In this tactical transition drill, we will practice it together with the pressing after losing possession. The team that attacks practices the ball retention as the main tactical offensive objetive.

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Shifting, Pressing on the flanks

We will practice ball conservation, width, game pace, change of pace, shifting, pressing, coverages and defensive coordination, all at the same time.

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Pass to attract

In this drill, the players will identify the advantages of short passing when there is no opposition in order to attract the rivals and make them leave spaces behind them that will let us advance in the game. Good drill in order to improve decision making against teams that drop back and regroup intensively.

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Defensive Line and Midfield

The fact of facing offensive freedom (continuous decision making) to two defensive lines will develop multiple defensive tactical concepts

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Give and Go, Coverages, 1v1 on distance

A partial structure which will require a lot of defensive and offensive tactical concepts, such as support, one-two’s, coverages, defensive exchange, press, body shape, defensive orientation, defensive and offensive timing etc.

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Create and Defend Passing Lanes

To defend in a staggered way, is going to make your players not only practice coverages and defensive support but also, offensively, you are going to make your players go through passing lines. This is a big formative challenge that you will be able to achieve.

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4 Goals: Vigilances + Transition

To do defensive vigilances, it is going to make your team achieve a higher level of tactical intelligence. In this drill we will work on the defensive and offensive vigilances, the defensive and offensive transition and the pressing after losing possession

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