Different Spaces
We will use this tactical drill in order to identify empty spaces and to play not only with the closest players but also with the intermediate and the players farther away. This drill will make your player give the right importance to play easy passes in reduced spaces. In the drill you will practice the decision making when it comes to play quick, to move, to stay and to delay the game.
Conditioned Game: High Pressure and Pressure after losing possession Vs Dropping back and Counterattack
To learn how to defend with high pressure and, in the following play, to defend back in shape gives your team a lot of resources that you will need in different moments of the game
Double Box: Tactical Balance
If your team, while it is attacking, keeps a balanced structure, it will be ready to defend rapidly in an appropriate way when losing the ball. It will make your players be better at finishing, at pressing after losing the ball, in the counter attack, in the previous moves to the ball loss etc.
Direct Attack: Final Minutes
Maybe your team just uses the direct style of play occasionally (e.g when losing in the last minutes of a game), but it is more than likely that your team will face teams that use it during most of the minutes. To practice it in the same proportion as it is played in your competition is both correct and necessary.
Multi-Defensive Concept + 1v1 & Duels
The balance movements before losing the ball are key in order to achieve a good defensive transition. To choose the moment for a challenge when attacking is also a key decision in order to provoke a dangerous situation for the rival.
Transitions with support from forwards players
To start the attack playing wide and to identify when a good moment is to play inside. To make a run in order to lose the markers in the right moment is key to finally get the ball or not.
Transitions: Narrow down the spaces
The following situations are basic tactical and repeated situations in the game: The team that loses the ball has to close spaces, the team winning the ball back has to start winning width, opening up the field. You can practice this drill continuously.
4 goals on the inside
To know when is the right moment to play the ball into the middle is something key for our players. To make them understand it, we will practice the ball circulation, the game speed and the change of pace. We will practice also how to get back in shape when we defend and be wide when we attack. Those are two basic aspect of the offensive and defensive transitions.
Give and Go, Coverages, 1v1 on distance
A partial structure which will require a lot of defensive and offensive tactical concepts, such as support, one-two’s, coverages, defensive exchange, press, body shape, defensive orientation, defensive and offensive timing etc.
Rondo with an intense pressure (Liverpool FC)
Do you know Liverpool’s Henderson Rondo? It is an interesting conditioning in order to reach a maximum pressure from the first pass.