Possession + Finishing
For the team that has won the ball back, is key to give support, to make runs to lose the marker and to look for the free men. For the defenders, the key is to press the player on the ball, to defend the passing lines and to identify the free men.
Double Box: Counterattack and pressure after losing possession
Either to advance in the game after winning the ball back or to avoid it are the objectives of a lot of styles of play. We will practice it in this intense drill in which we will make our players improve the transitions. The dimensions will be the double of the box.
Double Rondo
In this drill you will work on the change of pace, on passing the ball to attract de rivals and switching the play to the deliberated side and on choosing which the best moment for intercepting the ball is. All of these in a rondo that you can implement in U10 groups and older.
Movable Rondo
Regular tactical rondos have plenty of small and quick decisions but do not have any movement. If, to a regular tactical rondo we include the possibility/need for deciding whether the player has to or does not have to move, it will make our players achieve a higher level at decision making, since they will be considering teammates, rivals, the ball and the free spaces.
Zonal Defense Vs Overcoming Lines
The objective is to move from the creation zone to the finishing zone. To avoid that the rivals could send the ball to your defenders back.
Attract to switch the play
The creation of spaces is key in the offensive tactic. In this case, we will make the team to come and press us doing short passes in order to play to the deliberated side afterwards. This drill will make the players to give close, intermediate and far supports.
4 goals on the inside
To know when is the right moment to play the ball into the middle is something key for our players. To make them understand it, we will practice the ball circulation, the game speed and the change of pace. We will practice also how to get back in shape when we defend and be wide when we attack. Those are two basic aspect of the offensive and defensive transitions.
Numerical Superiority/Inferiority (4vs3, 3vs2, 2vs1,…)
To identify superiority and inferiority for a right and quick decision making both offensively and defensively is a really fun drill for all ages.
Transition with 3 goals
The defensive transition begins with the previous movements before we lose the ball. In this tactical transition drill, we will practice it together with the pressing after losing possession. The team that attacks practices the ball retention as the main tactical offensive objetive.
Third man and free man rondo
We adapt a rondo in order to practice the use of the third man and the free man as a microstructure to advance in the game.