Small Sided Game Progression

Small Sided Game Progression

Small sided tactical game in which we will fix the right press distances, the coverages, the defensive exchanges or the defensive support and we will create, for the attacking players, a situation in which they will practice to check to the ball and check away, one-two’s, feints and offensive timings. It will be an easy but very tactical drill, an excellent drill to strengthen the interaction between the players who are close to each other.

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Small Sided Game 2v2 high pressure

Small Sided Game 2v2 high pressure

Small sided tactical game in which we will reward the correct high press. The player will learn how to fix the distances in front of the player with the ball, will learn how to delay the game defensively, coverages, defensive exchanges and when the right moment to do a tackle is or to make the team in possession lose the ball.

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Transition with 3 goals

Transition with 3 goals

The defensive transition begins with the previous movements before we lose the ball. In this tactical transition drill, we will practice it together with the pressing after losing possession. The team that attacks practices the ball retention as the main tactical offensive objetive.

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Switching the play and changing the pace

Switching the play and changing the pace

The inside-outside alternation in the game is key. With this tactical drill we will first play the ball inside by passing the ball into the middle to then pass the ball outside, attracting the defenders and switch the play finding the free space in the other side.

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4 goals on the inside

4 goals on the inside

To know when is the right moment to play the ball into the middle is something key for our players. To make them understand it, we will practice the ball circulation, the game speed and the change of pace. We will practice also how to get back in shape when we defend and be wide when we attack. Those are two basic aspect of the offensive and defensive transitions.

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Offensive Vigilance and Free Man

Offensive Vigilance and Free Man

A dynamic and safe way for attacking is either to find the third man or to be aware of where the defenders are (offensive vigilances). At the same time, you will have to find the appropriate distances so your team not always pass the ball to the closest players but also finds the mid-distance players, with the objective of braking the lines. In this drill, the defensive players practice the moment of activating the pressing in a coordinated way.

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2 goals: Vigilances + Transition

2 goals: Vigilances + Transition

Offensive and defensive vigilances in a polarized drill (with orientation), in which we will be conditioning the game bearing in mind that we will then either lose the ball or win it back. With this, we will rise up the level of the offensive and defensive transition.

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