Rondos Two Spaces

Rondos Two Spaces

A tactical rondo to find third man and free man situations. At the same time we will practice the coordination of the defensive pressure, the coverages and the defensive delay.

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Retention + OFT and DT

Retention + OFT and DT

The offensive football is for the players without the ball. It will be key for taking advantage, for creating goal chances and for advancing in the game, to make the right movement at the right time. In the case they do the movement late it will be really easy to defend. The rules of this drill will make your team do that movement at the right time.

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Conditioned Game: Pressure in middle block

Conditioned Game: Pressure in middle block

We will use an easy condition that will make our players close the interior spaces in a better way, to not allow the passing lines and to do not let the defenders get right in shape to defend deep balls.

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Attract to switch the play

Attract to switch the play

The creation of spaces is key in the offensive tactic. In this case, we will make the team to come and press us doing short passes in order to play to the deliberated side afterwards. This drill will make the players to give close, intermediate and far supports.

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Offensive and Defensive Transition 3 Teams

Offensive and Defensive Transition 3 Teams

To practice both the momentum when losing the ball and when winning it back is key. It makes us be better on the offensive and defensive transition. We will use this drill as a tactical situation to activate the defenders’ press after losing the ball and for the team that has just win the ball back to play quick and easy.

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Total Pressure Vs Building up

Total Pressure Vs Building up

We need some confidence in order to start a combinative building attack. To improve it, we will need to make right and wrong decisions and learn from them. In this easy drill we will be able to improve that confidence.

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Zonal Defense: Move forward or backwards

Zonal Defense: Move forward or backwards

In every movement of the ball we do, the defensive situation changes. Did the ball go forward or backwards? Is the player on the ball pressed? Does he have options to pass the ball to a free player? These are some of the several decisions that we have to practice.

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