In depth passes: creating and defending it

In depth passes: creating and defending it

To coordinate the check away moment with the through ball pass is one of the most difficult offensive aspects to achieve. In this drill, your players will be able to practice it a lot of times in a reduced space.

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Single Touch Finishing

Single Touch Finishing

One of the most important things when making a run to lose the defender and finishing is the right moment for making the run. With a simple rule, you will make your offensive players identify that moment in a drill which recreates a real situation.

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Penetrate lines, Improve offensive body orientation

Penetrate lines, Improve offensive body orientation

Position game in order to advance on the field. You will practice the right movements in order to get the ball and progress on the field. At the same time, we will practice de defensive coordination and to get in shape defensively in the right way.

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Shifting, Pressing on the flanks

Shifting, Pressing on the flanks

We will practice ball conservation, width, game pace, change of pace, shifting, pressing, coverages and defensive coordination, all at the same time.

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Counterattack Vs Dropping Back

Counterattack Vs Dropping Back

There are defensive and offensive concepts which will be easy to practice in whole. A simple provoking rule will help your team practice these two concepts.

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Numerical Advantage and Zonal Marking

Numerical Advantage and Zonal Marking

A partial structure with a specific work for the defensive players. What we used to do with boring and ineffective attacking actions against the defenders, we do it now with a useful and attractive game for the players.

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Finishing and Pressure after losing possession

Finishing and Pressure after losing possession

A drill with the double of the box as the dimensions. We will put rules to reward the high press and the press after losing possession. At the same time we will work on how we would be able to overcome these two situations to achieve a good position for finishing.

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Conditioned Game: Switching and Stretching

Conditioned Game: Switching and Stretching

If a team, while progressing on the field, opts for switching the play, for playing wide, for alternating passes to the interior and the exterior and it is positionally balanced, will be successful when attacking. This drill is a conditioned game that will orientate your players.

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Interior play Positional Attack (FCB)

Interior play Positional Attack (FCB)

If you fill up the spaces in a rational way when attacking, then, you will be able to be more prepared to start the pressing when you lose the ball. This is a typical Guardiola drill, who likes the pressing after losing the ball and the positional organized attack.

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