Offensive Stretching and Mixed Marking

Offensive Stretching and Mixed Marking

To bring the ball from one side to other and then cross it, it is an offensive tactical objective. In this drill, with the double of box as the dimensions, we will make our team practice a lot of crossings which will allow them to improve both defense and attack.

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Numerical Advantage and Zonal Marking

Numerical Advantage and Zonal Marking

A partial structure with a specific work for the defensive players. What we used to do with boring and ineffective attacking actions against the defenders, we do it now with a useful and attractive game for the players.

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Finishing and Pressure after losing possession

Finishing and Pressure after losing possession

A drill with the double of the box as the dimensions. We will put rules to reward the high press and the press after losing possession. At the same time we will work on how we would be able to overcome these two situations to achieve a good position for finishing.

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Rondo: Speed of game and coverages

Rondo: Speed of game and coverages

Tactical rondos with a high demand of defensive concepts. If your defenders in the rondos do not delay, they are learning how to not delay the opponents attack in the games.

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Rondo Third Man

Rondo Third Man

A rondo with a small numerical superiority which will make our players play with the third man. Every time this third man situation is done, it will generate an advantage in the drill which will reinforce the learning of this concept.

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Conditioned Game: Min. 87 1-0

Conditioned Game: Min. 87 1-0

The ideal player is the one who manages either the offensive and defensive tactical situations. The direct attack looking for the second ball Is one of the parts of the game that the coaches need to know how to manage despite it might not be his most preferred part. As coaches, our objective has to be fo our players to learn as much as possible, not just only about what we like.

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Rondo + Small Sided Game

Rondo + Small Sided Game

Is there a better combination of drills for your players’ enjoyment as a rondo + a small sided game? What if we include this in a drill where you practice the transition, support, making runs to lose the defender, dropping back and regroup, the game pace and working on the passing lines?

Double Box: Counterattack and pressure after losing possession

Double Box: Counterattack and pressure after losing possession

Either to advance in the game after winning the ball back or to avoid it are the objectives of a lot of styles of play. We will practice it in this intense drill in which we will make our players improve the transitions. The dimensions will be the double of the box.

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Interior play Positional Attack (FCB)

Interior play Positional Attack (FCB)

If you fill up the spaces in a rational way when attacking, then, you will be able to be more prepared to start the pressing when you lose the ball. This is a typical Guardiola drill, who likes the pressing after losing the ball and the positional organized attack.

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