Offensive and Defensive Transition 3 Teams

Offensive and Defensive Transition 3 Teams

To practice both the momentum when losing the ball and when winning it back is key. It makes us be better on the offensive and defensive transition. We will use this drill as a tactical situation to activate the defenders’ press after losing the ball and for the team that has just win the ball back to play quick and easy.

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Possession + Finishing

Possession + Finishing

For the team that has won the ball back, is key to give support, to make runs to lose the marker and to look for the free men. For the defenders, the key is to press the player on the ball, to defend the passing lines and to identify the free men.

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Dropping Back and Counterattack Vs Offensive Vigilance

Dropping Back and Counterattack Vs Offensive Vigilance

The unhooked players are very important players in the offensive and defensive transitions, but, they are even more important in the vigilances previous to those transitions. We should practice how to use them to attack and how to defend them.

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Total Pressure Vs Building up

Total Pressure Vs Building up

We need some confidence in order to start a combinative building attack. To improve it, we will need to make right and wrong decisions and learn from them. In this easy drill we will be able to improve that confidence.

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Overcoming High Pressure

Overcoming High Pressure

To make a right high pressure or a good game building, and practice it in a game oriented similar situation is very possible.

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Give and Go, Coverages, 1v1 on distance

Give and Go, Coverages, 1v1 on distance

A partial structure which will require a lot of defensive and offensive tactical concepts, such as support, one-two’s, coverages, defensive exchange, press, body shape, defensive orientation, defensive and offensive timing etc.

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