Rondo + Transition to goals

Rondo + Transition to goals

A drill composed of a tactical rondo and transitions. Your players will ask you for repeating it because they will enjoy it a lot.

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Extreme Transitions 2v2

Extreme Transitions 2v2

To attack bearing in mind that we have to be ready to defend is one of the most difficult things to put in your players’ mind. If we do not practice it, they will not internalize it.

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Double Box: Counterattack with players outside the active zone

Double Box: Counterattack with players outside the active zone

To connect with players which are the farthest away possible from the ball is a synonymous of a good counter attack. To prevent your rivals of doing it is a synonymous of a good press after losing the ball and an accurate drop back. In this drill your players will improve both the defensive and the offensive transitions. The dimensions will be the double of the box.

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Double Box: Counterattack and pressure after losing possession

Double Box: Counterattack and pressure after losing possession

Either to advance in the game after winning the ball back or to avoid it are the objectives of a lot of styles of play. We will practice it in this intense drill in which we will make our players improve the transitions. The dimensions will be the double of the box.

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Play pressed and switch zone

Play pressed and switch zone

To include the goalkeepers in the building drills is key for them to then do it comfortably during the games. In the drill, we will start building the game to then advance in the game overcoming the opposition high press. The defenders practice the high press and to close passing lines.

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Interior play Positional Attack (FCB)

Interior play Positional Attack (FCB)

If you fill up the spaces in a rational way when attacking, then, you will be able to be more prepared to start the pressing when you lose the ball. This is a typical Guardiola drill, who likes the pressing after losing the ball and the positional organized attack.

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Transitions: Narrow down the spaces

Transitions: Narrow down the spaces

The following situations are basic tactical and repeated situations in the game: The team that loses the ball has to close spaces, the team winning the ball back has to start winning width, opening up the field. You can practice this drill continuously.

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Rondo: draw in rivals

Rondo: draw in rivals

In this drill, the offensive players will win two points if they repeat the same pass in order to attract the defenders first so they can pass it then to the free farther players. The defenders will have to be coordinated to do the pressing choosing the right moment to do it. These tactical momentums are key and they will appear many times in the real game.

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Pass to attract

Pass to attract

In this drill, the players will identify the advantages of short passing when there is no opposition in order to attract the rivals and make them leave spaces behind them that will let us advance in the game. Good drill in order to improve decision making against teams that drop back and regroup intensively.

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Support on the corners

Support on the corners

A partial structure in which the player faces the ball when receiving is one of the best options to advance safely in the game representing a danger to the rivals.

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