Conditioned Game: Min. 87 1-0

Conditioned Game: Min. 87 1-0

The ideal player is the one who manages either the offensive and defensive tactical situations. The direct attack looking for the second ball Is one of the parts of the game that the coaches need to know how to manage despite it might not be his most preferred part. As coaches, our objective has to be fo our players to learn as much as possible, not just only about what we like.

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Direct Attack: Final Minutes

Direct Attack: Final Minutes

Maybe your team just uses the direct style of play occasionally (e.g when losing in the last minutes of a game), but it is more than likely that your team will face teams that use it during most of the minutes. To practice it in the same proportion as it is played in your competition is both correct and necessary.

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Double Box: Counterattack and pressure after losing possession

Double Box: Counterattack and pressure after losing possession

Either to advance in the game after winning the ball back or to avoid it are the objectives of a lot of styles of play. We will practice it in this intense drill in which we will make our players improve the transitions. The dimensions will be the double of the box.

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