Numerical Advantage and Zonal Marking

Numerical Advantage and Zonal Marking

A partial structure with a specific work for the defensive players. What we used to do with boring and ineffective attacking actions against the defenders, we do it now with a useful and attractive game for the players.

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Conditioned Game: Switching and Stretching

Conditioned Game: Switching and Stretching

If a team, while progressing on the field, opts for switching the play, for playing wide, for alternating passes to the interior and the exterior and it is positionally balanced, will be successful when attacking. This drill is a conditioned game that will orientate your players.

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Rondo Third Man

Rondo Third Man

A rondo with a small numerical superiority which will make our players play with the third man. Every time this third man situation is done, it will generate an advantage in the drill which will reinforce the learning of this concept.

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4 Squares – Positional Game

4 Squares – Positional Game

To occupy the field rationally is one of the main objectives of the coaches at early ages. This is a good introduction to the position game for different playing systems.

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Rondo + Transition to goals

Rondo + Transition to goals

A drill composed of a tactical rondo and transitions. Your players will ask you for repeating it because they will enjoy it a lot.

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Double Box: Counterattack with players outside the active zone

Double Box: Counterattack with players outside the active zone

To connect with players which are the farthest away possible from the ball is a synonymous of a good counter attack. To prevent your rivals of doing it is a synonymous of a good press after losing the ball and an accurate drop back. In this drill your players will improve both the defensive and the offensive transitions. The dimensions will be the double of the box.

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Double Box: Counterattack and pressure after losing possession

Double Box: Counterattack and pressure after losing possession

Either to advance in the game after winning the ball back or to avoid it are the objectives of a lot of styles of play. We will practice it in this intense drill in which we will make our players improve the transitions. The dimensions will be the double of the box.

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